Tuesday, February 27, 2007

one week

one week from tonight and mark's back home.

got some hairs cut today, chased the cat around, sent out some emails, checked the mail, placed a stampin up order...yes, i did do some damage today. but where did all the time go?

tomorrow i'm meeting a former co-worker for lunch. i haven't seen her since i quit in july. we've kept in touch via email, but it will be interesting to meet for lunch.

friday i'm getting a raindrop massage. ..i'm counting the hours until then!

Monday, February 26, 2007

and he's off again

picked mark up from the airport about 6:30 am on saturday and "returned him" back to sender about 4:30 yeasterday. that's not even 48 hours is it? this should be the last travel time for this project. let's count the days that i've seen him lately....

1 week cali
weekend home (and by "weekend" i mean less than 48 hours!)
1 week cali
weekend + week home
2 weeks costa rica
weekend home
1 week cali
3-day presidents weekend home
1 week cali
weekend home
1 1/2 weeks costa rica (last leg hopefully!)

i don't even want to do the math on all that.

today is clean the fist floor monday! whoo-hoooo! (actually, it's not a tradition or anything, just planning my week out.) i have a lot to get done before mark gets back on tuesday evening. then we have wednesday together before....drum roll....i leave this time! insane, but i'll be going on a 4-day retreat called Tres Dias (the retreat itself is 3 days, but i'm on the team that's working on the weekend so we're there 4 days) i'm looking forward to serving on the weekend, but i'll be glad when its over and can take one more thing off my plate.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

my blogging mom

my mom has started a photo blog too - she has some neat photos from the ice storm they just had up in iowa... brrrr! (it's linked over to the left)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i did it..

i finally copied everyone else and started a photo blog. it's linked over to the left....i cheated and added a few past photos. which i might have to do when i don't have a stunning photo to post - because i have some great photos in the past that i'd like to post.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

wasting time...

wasting some time at Panera before i pick mark up from the airport. he arrives about 6 p.m. and i cannot wait. he'll be home for more than 48 hours - yippie! last weekend i didn't let myself get too excited about him being home, because he left me again in under 48 hours. this weekend, we have a 3 -day presidents day weekend! yay for presidents! heh. he might be returning to california next week - he has not let me know forsure yet.

i did some redecorating while he was gone - we'll see what he thinks! he has requested that we go to chuys this evening for dinner. this morning when i left for tres dias training i put grayson up, and annouced to him that when i return tonight, mark would be home with me. as much as i did not like mark bringing home that cat, he's been good company while mark is away. though annoying at times, and well, there's the litter box part that's gross....at least there's something in the house that's excited to see me - that wants attention....

i am so blessed to be a stay at home wife - but being a stay at home wife with a traveling husband can get lonely!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

almost ready

well i did some more working on this blog today so it's almost ready to go. i'm not exactly sure what i'm going to go with it right now as i already have a livejournal. i also have an OLD blog that's still out there and i enjoyed reading it the other day when i found it. huge memories, and evidence of change in my life.

Friday, February 2, 2007

this is my first test post. test test test.....post post post.