Tuesday, March 20, 2007


here i sit...alone.

yes folks...mark extended his trip to friday.

it's been an interesting past few days.....woke up friday morning early as i thought i had someone stopping by at 8...well i was checking email to see if he was stopping and all the sudden i started hearing some drips. 10 and 1/2 hours later, a plumber and an AC guy....and it was fixed. i'm just thanking God that i was up and heard the drip start so i could put our buckets, yes plural...it was one drip and became more......and i could turn off the ac....i was up at 7..normally i wouldn't have been up for at least an hour, maybe 2.

saturday did a bunch of things for church.....friday i had rented 6 movies...so i've been watching them. nothing really to write home about, just some disctactions untl mark was to behome.....now i told him "guess i'm renting more movies!"

monday jake davis and crew came out to help our landscaping....poor crew....15 bags of weeds. mark had forbid me from working in the yard last summer as we had fire ants and wasps so bad.....with promises to work together this spring......but 11 weeks of travel put the damper on that so i was going to surprise him with the yard, but i decided to ask his permission first...he was elated and thankful. one big thing off his back. guess part of his supposed bonus for doing all this travel will be to fix all the broken things in our house from him being gone. jake's frind came out today to mow and do more work on the yard and then he'll be mulching later this week.

have a few more days to get my spring cleaning under control before my mom visits and friday i'm teaching card making to the little women of virtue.

looking forward to going to the airport friday night.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh pooh! I was thinking about you guys last night nursing Leah. Hoping he was finished with this one at least. I have RV we rented that R isn't gonna be around to watch with me, want to come watch? It's due tomorrow.

When's your Mom get into town?